What makes the JPC unique?
Given the large intake volume and the numerous city and county agencies that would be operating in the new facility, designing the JPC building was a complex and challenging endeavor. To operate efficiently, all the functional areas had to go together like a Swiss watch. To that end, PGAL worked with the project teams to properly size all the areas and we then mastered the necessary functional adjacencies, both horizontally and vertically. The end result was a facility design that optimized processing efficiency for all the detainees and their property (cash, valuable property, bulk property and clothing). The design allowed the HCSO to increase our supervision of detainees and embrace the use of modern technology to dramatically improve operations. By design, HCSO staff now track all detainee movement, in real-time, by using simple QR codes on the detainee armbands. This tracking process is used to trigger the applicable electronic work-queues (based on case type and status) as detainees flow through the JPC facility. To maximize efficiency, the system is not restricted to a linear flow, as some processing functions can occur in any order. By using open seating areas for compliant detainees (instead of holding cells), JPC staff now have quick access to most detainees to complete processing functions (e.g. AFIS, Pre-trial Services interviews, booking, health screening, classification). After the JPC opened, the major constraints to expediting intake processing are now mostly external to the Sheriff's Office (e.g. the time it takes for the arresting officer to submit a criminal charge, the District Clerk and District Attorney to create/approve the criminal case, the court to complete the required PC / JP hearings, health service providers to complete their screenings, etc.). Aside from processing functions, the JPC design also facilitates mental health diversion efforts and detainee access to re-entry programs (including post-release).
In addition to improving efficiency, it was important to improve the operational environment for staff and detainees. The JPC open seating areas include 12 foot ceilings, extensive use of calming colors, sound damping materials (e.g. acoustic ceiling tiles, durable carpet), mounted TVs, phones, comfortable seating and, importantly, an abundance of natural light. The open seating areas look like airport seating rather than a jail. This more normative environment helps reduce the tension level and the possibility of a detainee altercation. To support our JPC staff, we also included employee breakrooms and restrooms in every functional area. Employees can now take a quick break while still remaining in their assigned duty areas. The first-line supervisor offices were also located inside JPC operational areas, with direct viewing into detainee occupied areas to facilitate proactive, 24/7 supervision. In addition, Central Control was strategically located to facilitate quick Watch Commander access to help coordinate and supervise JPC staff response to any facility incident.
Numerous innovative features were also incorporated into the JPC design to enhance security. For instance, the extensive use of one-way window film throughout the facility allows officers to view into cells and areas without being observed. In addition, the holding cell doors include a safety feature that allows an officer to handcuff a disruptive prisoner BEFORE opening the cell door AND maintain his/her grip on the cuffs even while the door is being opened/closed. Another design feature was the creation of single-level, direct-supervision housing units with no structural support columns inside the units, thus giving our officers clear sightlines to properly supervise all prisoner activities (so our staff can proactively prevent jail incidents, not just respond to them after they occur). The JPC design also incorporated a comprehensive electronic security and surveillance system that included numerous features and alerts to enhance overall facility safety and security.
For more JPC information, please click on the media links below.